Thursday, June 18, 2015

Peaks and Valleys

Today in advisory we all shared our peaks and valleys of the year.  There were many of the same peaks, and many of the same valleys.  It has been a great year for ME as a teacher, motivated students, caring and generous parents, thoughtful administration, exciting opportunities for me that have stretched my creative abilities to the maximum.   The peaks would be writing this blog, being musical director of the musical "Annie", teaching my new class "Creative Drama", being one of the advisors for the student council, spending the night at the Boston Museum of Science, and watching students really catch on so quickly to the piano in just a few short weeks.  The valleys for me were learning my new schedule and needing to figure out how to fit everything into it, and advocating constantly for the new grading system plus having to learn how to use Mastery Connect and keeping up to date with it at all times.

Other than that, I have enjoyed my second year in this room with the piano lab adjacent, I have loved working with all the teams and going to their team meetings once a week, and I have very much loved teaching using the standards as a point of departure, and a point of arrival, and keeping learning and assessment honest and organic with the students.

My advisory had some interesting peaks and valleys as well.  The first student was new this year, and she said her "valley" was having to switch to a new school and learn a whole new way of learning and new students and teachers.  Her peak was making new friends, and learning new things.  Someone else said the valley was the Star Assessments, and the Smarter Balance tests they had to take.  A peak was Funtown of course, everyone loves that.  Another peak for them was The Science Museum overnight trip, and another valley was their trip to Augusta.   My advisory just didn't really enjoy that trip or the two hour ride on the BUS!!

They all said making new friends was a peak, and testing was a valley.  They loved our team and they loved learning.  One student loved especially being a "twin" with the math teacher during spirit week.  Some said that the mastery connect was both a peak AND a valley because they like that you get more chances to succeed, but they miss receiving grades for their work.  They got accustomed to the new schedule and the new grading and their new teachers, and the new advisory, and all the new curriculum they had to learn.  It just shows how flexible and resilient sixth graders really are.

May I just say I will miss you, my sixth graders, you have been a large part of my joy the past two years, and I hope you all come to visit me next year, no matter where you are.  I read this quote from "The Universe" this morning, let me share it with all of you.

Dearest Sixth Graders from 2014-2015- I wish for you flowers and sunshine, gentle breezes and clear skies, calm seas and rainbows. But, perhaps most of all, I wish for you the glorious breadth of experiences you are now poised to receive, so that these tidbits are mere icing on the cake of a life that's rich in adventure. Signed, The Universe

And the link to my favorite song that I played for you earlier in the year!  Enjoy and have a great summer!  You deserve it! Your Song Live Elton John 1979

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