Thursday, April 27, 2017

Reflections on learning to play the piano

Playing the piano is harder than it looks. One song that I struggled with was skipping frogs. I practiced it a lot so I could get the hang of it.

A lot of people struggle with different songs. I have a piano at my house so I can practice it and get better. The only thing I don't like about pianos is writing in the note names. A song that I like is Indian Drums. I like this because it sounds cool, like a real song, not just some notes for practice.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

As Kokopelli Charlotte Waldrop

As the Kokopelli plays he walks.  He walks long and far distances as he plays the music streams like waves from his flute.  He walks and plays, he wakes someone, they see him.  As the Kokopelli plays he walks, he walks long and far distances, looking for someone to wake, when he walks, someone is awakened- she sees them and they see her.  As the Kokopelli plays he walks, the clouds pink in the late night sky, as the kokopelli plays he wanders the streets and roads and one day you will be awakened in the night by the kokopelli's playing and you will say I saw them and you will join them playing your flute in the dark of night.  So everyone can be awakened.