Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Played a new game in Enrichment class..

A new game is always a way to inspire students and make them really use their imagination.  The game I found from David Farmer's website!  Check it out!

The game is called Alphabet shapes.  Students are walking around the room, and you call out a letter.  They have five seconds to create a thing or an idea that begins with the letter you have called out to them.  After the five seconds is up, you must ask each student to tell you what they made.  We had some wonderful ideas from these students!  Here is what we found!

The letter was K!  They had kangaroo, and knight, but one student had kale!!

The letter was B!  There were bears, and bumble bees but also the BEACH!! (A boy lay on his side and waved his hands around as the beach.)

When there are two students left, you can then have the other students vote on the most creative idea!
This was so much fun, and I laughed until I cried!

Did they learn anything?  Or was it just good, clean fun?  I believe that they did.  They learned about vocabulary, which one student mentioned.  They learned how to think on their feet, with only five seconds to think up a shape from their bodies.  They learned how to use their bodies in different ways, and they learned how to be creative and think of something that someone else might not have thought of..because you are out if two people do the SAME THING!!

That is my grave, intense and inspiring thought for the day!  Try to think of something that no one else ever might have thought of, and you might become rich and famous! (Or not, but at least you will have fun and keep your brain malleable and new while you are working on it!! ) Have a great week!

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