Friday, October 23, 2015

Reader's Theater PART DEUX

My Creative Drama students have completed their first attempts at Reader's Theater.  Next week we will post some videos of them performing them, but I thought you might like to see a few of them on my blog, after I had written about the process we went through a few weeks ago.   Enjoy and have a great weekend!!!

     The Three Scream Queens
By: Micayla Ashley, Lexi and Zoe
Micayla: Hey guys want to come to the fair with me tonight?
Ashley: Yeah sure I don’t have anything to do what about you Lexi?
Lexi: Totes I will be there 9:00 o'clock sharp! Don’t forget the sharp!
Micayla: I will meet  you both at 9:00 o’clock!
Ashley: Do you want me to bring PB and J sandwiches?                                                                                                                                      
Lexi: No! I’m on a diet I will bring my own candy bars!
Ashley: Okay that’s fine I just thought I would ask.
Zoe/Narrator: One hour later.
Lexi: Hey girl friends glad you could make it.
Micayla: Ok I want to go in the haunted house first.
Ashley: Um….. okay  great my favorite ride! I call middle.
Lexi: I call going in first!
Micayla: Ok guess I am stuck with the back...weeee!
Ashley: Okay let’s go get our tickets!
Zoe/Ticket Person: How many tickets?
Lexi: Three Tickets please.
Zoe/Ticket Person: Okay here you go, have a great time!
Zoe/Narrator: They enter the haunted house.
Micayla: Guys I am a little scared.
Ashley: Me to.
Micayla: Let’s go back!
Lexi: I’m not scared, let’s go chickens.
Zoe/Narrator: Slam!!
Ashley: What was that?
Micayla: I don’t know but I am scared!
Lexi: It’s probably just apart of the show...
Ashley: Am I the only one who hears foot steps?
Micayla: Nope!
Zoe/Bad Guy: I am watching you my pretties.
Lexi: who’s there? (no one answers)
Ashley: Omg I’m scared.
Zoe/Bad Guy: You should be hehehehehehe!
Micayla: Guys we should leave now!!!!
Lexi: (stick out your arm) Guy’s we will be fine, now stop
complaining, Geez! I’m the only brave one around here.
Zoe/Narrator: A spider comes down in front of Lexi’s face.
Lexi: AAHH AAHH AAHH spider!
Ashley: (sigh in relief) Finally we can leave this place.
Micayla; Come on it’s just a spider.
Lexi: Guys run!
Zoe/Narrator: The three girls ran into a room in the haunted house but little did they know that the door shut behind them and they were not alone in that room, there was someone else
Ashley: Micayla is that you breathing down my neck?
Micayla: Um no I’m across the room jenus.
Ashley: (Voice Quivering) Then who.. who.. is it??
Zoe/Bad Guy: (Stupid, Idiotic Voice) It is I George Washington I am here to collect your heart.
Ashley: um…….. I need that because that is how I live.
Lexi: Okay now I’m scared because George Washington is supposed to be dead umm………...
Zoe/Bad Guy: Ugh you idiots, I am not George Washington…..
Ashley: I knew that……….not
Micayla: Ok guys it's just part of the show right Lexi.
Lexi Uhhh……. sure but just incase let's run, LIKE NOW!
Micayla: Guys….. uh...the door is locked!
Zoe/Bad Guy: You should listen to your friend….
All Of Us Except For Zoe: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Lexi: Okay bad guy you're going down
Zoe/Narrator: Lexi takes off her shoe and throws it at the bad guy. Except it lands 2 feet in front of the bad guy.
Lexi: That was only my warm up here’s the real thing.
Zoe/Narrator: She takes off her other shoe and throws it at the bad guy and it land 1 foot in front of the bad guy.
Lexi: Ok my backup plan, I have my phone I will call 911 does anyone know the number for 911?
Micayla: It’s not 911, wise owl it’s 919!
Zoe/Bad Guy: (says in a happy voice) Guys I’ll help you I know the number for 911,
Zoe/Narrator: Lexi gives the phone to the bad guy and then the bad guy smashes it on the ground.
Zoe/Narrator: Then they run into a closet
Ashley: Yay where out…….nope in a closet even better.
Micayla: Shoot he took your phone and I just remembered it’s 911!
Ashley: Wait is that a vent…… yeah it is let’s go.
Zoe/Narrator: they crawled through the vent and fell out the end of it which was outside of the haunted house. Then they ran to the convenience store and used the store's phone. The girls call 911 and got the guy arrested.

         Alien Invasion

It was a late summer day at Camp Hinds. Troop 301 was camping at lodge Balie. The troop were whittling with their knives to kill time. A storm late that evening was due so they went into the lodge. All the scouts paired up to play different games like, War, Blackjack, and Poker. They played until dinner. The scouts ate dinner then went back to cards. Until they saw a strange figure of dark…

Matt: What’s that at the window with a big head. OMG, is that E.T!!!

Parker: No that’s Thomas.

Matt: Oh.

Gus: Come on guys let's continue cards, I’m actually winning this time!!!

Narrator: They went back to playing cards as the storm blew through then they went to bed. The next morning they woke up and Thomas was gone so they hopped off their bunks and made breakfast. They asked where Thomas was and they didn't know so they split into pairs Matt Gus and Parker were in a group together. They set off towards the North forest. They went deep and got lost so they dug a hole and made a shelter and camped there.

Matt: Ok we got lost while trying to find someone who is lost, that’s a first.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Parker: Why are we trying to find Thomas?

Gus: Were trying to find him so we can beat him... with poison ivy leaves.

Matt: Ok, so let's take turns being on lookout, I will go first.

Narrator: And he did but there was no second watch. The clouds above turned green. Matt was confused and saw a rustling from the bushes and went closer and a small weird little alien figure jumped on his face and he screamed. Parker ran out of the tent and hit Matt’s face on a tree and the alien fell.

Matt: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH, What was that for, I think my nose is broken!!!

Parker: I got the alien off, did I not

Gus: Guys, quiet down, can I sleep for at least 5 minutes?!

Matt: OMG is that a martian ship!!!

Parker: No that’s a car

Matt: Oh, is that a martian ship!!!!

Parker: yes that’s a martian ship.

Matt: What do we do they have a lot of weapons.

Parker: They have plasma cannons, we have a pointy stick

Matt: Ok good thing we have a pointy stick, wait a minute.

Narrator: So they charged at the aliens with their pointy sticks...and the pointy sticks broke.

Parker: Well that didn’t work what now?

Matt: Our Pocket knives!!!

Narrator: But then, Matt got shot by a plasma cannon and fell to the ground, aching in pain.

Gus: Matt NOO are you ok!!!

Matt: If this is the end then…

Parker: No this is not the end, it is not!!!!

Matt: You don’t touch my wallet, you don’t touch my stuff, and you can just leave.

Narrator: But suddenly Matt spazzed out on the ground and his eyes started turning black and his skin turning green. He formed two heads and he got up with a murderous look.

Matt: I shall kill you!

Parker: Take this you double faced freak

Narrator: Parker charged at the alien with his pocket knife and stabbed him.

Parker: Why are you not dead just die aaahhhhhh!
Matt: Dude they have no effect i gonna kill now so…

Parker: what about a pointy stick wait one second…

Narrator: So they ran picked up sticks and made them pointed it  20 minutes later they were done and Parker crept behind Matt and stabbed him in the back assasin creeds style.

Gus: yay hes-

Parker: Ha yo dead!

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