Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Always amazed

..at how much I miss this place when we are on vacation, and how happy I am to be back.  Is it the routine that I miss?  Yes, it is.  Is it the chaos and confusion that I miss? Of course it is, why else?  Is it the wonderful smiling faces of the students?  Yes, it is.  Is it the practicing of the piano each day that I miss, because you know I don't really love my piano at home, and I love the piano here!  Yes, I miss this piano when I am not here.  But mostly, it is the interesting learning that is happening all the time in this place, and I miss it a lot when I am not here.  The conversations about educational ideas, the thoughts I have about teaching and books that I read, the walks at my lunch break with my friend, other really great conversations at lunch with all the teachers I work with.  I am so privileged to work at a school that cares about the success of each student, that really appreciates the arts, that knows me so well that my first day back I am given gifts by teacher friends and students alike.  I am lucky to be a part of an educational community that supports all endeavors, all new ideas, and supports experimentation with ways to teach all the subjects.  I will be here for as long as they will have me, of this I am pretty sure. 

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