Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Bingo Reading Challenge

Every winter our fabulous librarian at YMS gives the school a reading challenge, to read a certain number of books designated by her on a bingo sheet.  If you read a lines worth of them, you are entered into a contest to win a prize in June.  This is the third winter that our librarian has put out this challenge to the teachers as well as the students, and this is the third winter I plan to read all the books on the Bingo page.  So far I have been delighted by the selections I have read:  a multimedia biography of E. B. White with amazing stories, wonderful photographs and delightful quotations, a fabulous book in verse called Garvey's Choice, by Nikki Grimes, that tells a story about a boy who feels he is different from everyone else, and a book about a runner by Jason Reynolds, who is a great poet and writer, who learned writing from listening to rap, and who has blown up in the last several years and won every prestigious award for young adult literature that exists as we know it.  Just to name a few.

Let me leave you with a quotation from Patina, by Jason Reynolds:  " Folks who try to do everything are usually avoiding one thing."

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