I took the summer off from my blog, and I read, and taught classes at the recreation department, and I spent several days at the beach, hiking, on an island, and enjoying the time off to regroup, revitalize, re-evaluate, and re-visualize my world. It was a great time, and it is always a little bittersweet to begin the intensity of the schedule again. I am excited always, though, about the new school year, and I have students I have had all last spring so I know them, and already have a relationship with all of them from the spring before. It helps to hit the ground running, because I already know them all so well.
This year our school is thinking about three very important ideas: Formative assessment, feedback, and differentiation. In the next few posts, I will be blogging about these three subjects, as a way to think about my teaching at the beginning of this year. At the end of the school year I will then blog again about these three subjects, and see how my thoughts have metamorphisized. (maybe not a word, but you know what I mean.) I look forward to this exercise and to sharing my thoughts with the reader, which may only be me, but will be helpful in moving my teaching to a more advanced level.
I am excited about the new year, and this is all I want to say for today, but will write again after the year begins to see where we are. Happy Fall everyone, and happy Labor Day Weekend!
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