What i’ve learned in creative drama is that you are going to have to make choices in your life that you don’t want to make. I also learned that you have to make quick decisions in life as well. I also learned that if you want to be good at creative drama you have be quiet when the teacher is talking. We also played a game that involve helping people besides you so they can survive not you like people,shelter,storm. We also played a game where you have to say the alphabet with the whole class but one person says one letter so you had to be patient and wait your turn to say a word and a letter.
Dear Creative Drama
Creative drama is is when you express your feelings in acting. The games we played help us in life and in acting. Like in the beginning of the year we played a game called mirror where we pretended to be the other person by mirroring them. That can help you a lot in acting when you have to pretend to be another person.What I have learned from drama class this year is you play games to help you get good at drama/acting class. I also learned in some games you have to be serious and in some games you have to be funny to help you with the game. My favorite game we played was bippityboppityboo it was fun. Another cool game was a game that you do sports poses or whatever category the pose was in so if the category was school you do poses you make at school. We played a lot of fun games like shelter island and games like that. At the first class you drew how you make toast on a piece of paper and share the way you did in front of the class.
What I learned in Creative Drama
Be yourself and no one else
I learned to share.
I learned to pay attention to other people
I learned different ways to communicate.
I learned to work as a team and by myself.
I learned how to use my imagination
I learned to make sacrifices.
I learned a lot of fun games.
I learned to talk to people.
I learned how to make toast.
Things I learned in Creative Drama
I learned different ways to communicate.
I learned how to share.
Be yourself.
Don't be someone else.
I learned how to pay attention to other people.
I learned how to cooperate without talking.
I learned how to get interviewed.
I learned how to use my imagination.
I learned to not talk at the same time as others.
We also learned fun games.
The reference to making toast has to do with a project I had the students do early in the quarter. You draw pictures to show how you would make toast, and then you share this step by step process with the class. It shows how different people think, how different people see the world, how different people process, and can contribute in different ways to a class, a community, an office, a business, an artistic endeavor, a world.
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