Monday, November 30, 2020



Music: The Places Life Cannot Reach Without It
I have a parrot who does not sing. She cries a lot if I leave the room—if anybody leaves the room actually. She screams for whatever she needs—though it’s your responsibility to figure out what that may be. She talks to herself by stringing a long list of very clear but totally useless syllables together while she chatters in my ear.
But when I sing to her, or play music for her, she stands stark still and listens without making a sound. She just perches there. Almost breathless. Almost frozen. It’s totally out of character—and totally understandable—at the same time. It is something that fascinates me. I watched her over and over again and then I got it: I do the same thing myself.
Here, in the music, is all the protection I need from my restless or anxious or empty self. Maybe music is the basic living instinct, I think: common to us all—parrot and person alike. It is the one thing in life that gets into my soul, that cuts it off from everything but the electrical impulses of the universe, that encapsulates me.
I began writing articles to music as a young teenager. I would choose a march or a symphony or a piano solo and “write” the outline of a sentence in march to its rhythm, to its accents, to its phrases. Or, I would string out a wispy dream, or punch up a great, sweeping grand symphony by writing lines in an equally long cadenza. Then I would put words to them rather than chords until the sentence on my paper sounded like the rise and fall of the end of the opera or the volley of the street band.
Strange, I know. But important to consider. The truth is that music is not a melody, it is a place in time. It is somewhere to go where no one else, no noise, no interruptions can intrude. It takes us in and closes us off from all the clamor of the universe.
It gives us balm. It touches our souls. It saves us from the straggle and cacophony of the world. It takes our noisy, crowded lives and quiets us in the orbit of the sublime.
Music is the only sound of heaven we’ve ever been given. Play it often. Play it well. Play it to put yourself back together again after noise and confusion of sound leave you tired and alone and lonely on the floor of life.
Then, one thing and one thing only can accompany us into ourselves—our memories, our hopes, the pace of our soul and the power to quiet us to everything except distraction. Indeed, music is where the soul goes to put into notes what cannot be said in words. Happy listening.

Friday, November 6, 2020

My Peaceful Place

 My Peaceful Place

From the mountains above, melted snow flows down the streams and creaks

Maine is an awesome state and is always what i seek 

Many are born in state that the Appalachian Trail winds through

I feel lucky enough to be from one of those states too

My home is with my dad on our 80-acre farm in York

Where me, my Gramps, and Dad raise chickens, beef, and port


Down on the farm i pass all my sunshine hours

Running wild through the many flowers

In my childhood happy home down on the farm

Rock, Folk, Country, and Hip Hop artists come from the Trail states

So full of talent playing at many venues and on different dates

Many award winners are from the least likely places

Here in Maine we are lucky enough to see their familiar faces

I put on my head phones to listen to their music

While i think about school and all the teachers rubrics


States along the Appalachian Trail have produced so many stars

While working on our farm I find myself singing a few bars

Anything that takes away our peace is to expensive

A little thought i had while mending the broken fences

This is why i love it here, a place i dont have to worry

Where life is slow and i dont have to hurry


Nothing like the smell of fresh cut grass while Gramps hays the fields

Listen to the chicken’s cluck, the cows moo, and the pigs squeal

This is the only home i have ever known 

My safe place and where i belong

I wonder how this became my fate a place i love so dearly

Im proud of my farm and love my family

I will forever carry on this farms legacy

While knowing this is where i need to think clearly


I sit on the front porch staring out at the whild life and deer

Listening to music to easy my mind and my fears

I know how lucky i am to have been given this life

Maybe someday ill get to share it with my Dad, children, and wife

But not now, i am too young

While the hikers on the trail are putting on their gear tackling the trail

Ill be on the farm putting grain in the pails

If you hike to maine and would like to greet me 

Our farm on Libby Lane is where ill be 

A little piece of heaven i hold dear to me



Thursday, November 5, 2020

More Student Lyrica


Lucy means everything to me 

but i know she does not last forever 

but i will hold her in my heart. 

She has helped me throughout my life, 

she has been my emotional support animal,

 she has been my best friend

 and a very good dog. 

We have gone on very fun hikes 

walks on the beach 

but we can not do them any more 

because she is getting old. 

                                    Lucy oh Lucy, 

you have been my best friend

 and will always be 

Lucy oh Lucy 

She has been a very good friend and 

she loves a good walk 

but we would not be able

 to do the Appalachian trail. 

But she would still try to do it 

even though her legs are bad. 

 Lucy has loved me 

since I was a little baby.

 She would lay by my crib.

 I know she loves me

 but I think I am her favorite 

even though my dad 

thinks he is her favorite 

                                Lucy oh Lucy, 

you have been my best friend 

and will always be 

Lucy oh Lucy 

                She loves walks on the beach 

but we can not do them anymore

 but we can go on short walks

 in our neighborhood.

                                 Lucy oh Lucy, 

You have been my best friend 

and will always be 

Lucy oh Lucy

Monday, November 2, 2020

Student Lyrics

 I Wish she was here

Sun on the lake 

waters  as clear as a crystal

honestly it's the happiest time of the year

                                         boat rides, and blueberries, shopping and food

kayaks paddling ,swimming and  hiking 

fishing, and islands, and mountain biking  

 happy and calm with mountains surrounding

but She hasn't been here in three years i've been counting

i've  asked her come  but she never could go

can't believe she was 8 last time she came

I wish she was here----

I wish she was here     

cause it's no longer the happiest time of the year 

said she was coming then this whole covid thing happened

I wish she was here--- 

I wish she was here 

I'll be seeing her soon 

haven't seen her since june 

I wish she was here 

i wish she was here this year