Monday, December 16, 2019

In No Particular Order...

I have not posted in a while because I have been FLAT OUT!! In no particular order these are the things I have been involved in..

I have worked really hard with my Adult Education Singing Group and we performed four shows of A Christmas Carol.  Ok, so we mostly sang several songs as old fashioned "Carolers" outside the auditorium before the show, and we sang ONE song in the show, "Caroling, Caroling" as carolers from Scrooge's past, but that being said, we had to work hard to do that, and make it sound good.  I was very proud of my students, many of whom are quite shy and it was their first time performing anywhere.  It was a positive experience, and fun was definitely had by all.  The director said, "You are now required to do this every year for the rest of all time!"  We will see about that, but it was surely a great experience and I would love to be involved with it again next year for sure!

I played piano for the chorus concert as well, last week.  That is always a thrill, and the brand new piano in the auditorium is lovely to play and I enjoyed the whole experience.  The students were a little worried I might make some mistakes, but I was happy because any mistakes I made you could hardly hear!  It is always great fun to play for these students, because the conductor is my former student, so I love working with her and helping her with her amazing chorus!

I sang in church for two weekends in a row, solos that are of a holiday nature, and the second weekend we had a wonderful experience running a carol sing with the congregation after church.  We had the organ and the trumpet to accompany us.  The highlight for me was singing with my colleague, the other nice person who sings solo when I am not there, she is an alto, so she and I did a duet of Stille Nacht in German with harmony, that was a lovely moment..we didn't even practice it before hand, we just sang it and it was delightful and right in tune! Pros we are!!

I am now officially done for performances for the holiday season, and am happy to be just teaching and not constantly practicing or preparing people for a performance.  No more of that until January when Willy Wonka Jr begins on the 6th! See you then! Happy Holidays to all!