Friday, September 27, 2019

Where do you stand? EXEMPLAR

Where do you stand?  You can’t change your own personality.

To answer this question, you must think about the definition of personality.  What does this word mean?  Personality is the combination of qualities that make up a person, cause them to be recognizable to others in their groups, and make them able to be successful in the world.  Personality includes both nature and nurture, qualities you are born with, such as your disposition, your temperament, and your ability to manage feelings and thoughts.  It also includes your moral character, and your ability to be empathetic or sympathetic.

 I share these qualities, because if you can change your personality, there is a lot you have to work through to do it.  If you were born into a family with issues, you may have picked up many qualities from your family that are hard to change.  These may be coping mechanisms developed over many years to manage the dysfunction in the family.  It may take a great deal of personal work, practice, meditation and changing of rituals and routines to develop a new personality.

That being said, I believe it is not impossible.  I believe that if a person wants to change the way they react to stimuli, the way they treat others, the way they live, a person can do this, with help.  There are many programs out there for people to help get rid of bad habits, like hypnosis, religion, meditation, yoga, exercise, to name just a few.  This won’t change an entire personality, but it may be just the catalyst to begin doing so.  Discipline and support are the key elements to change in all ways, and personality is no different in this case.  A personality is a multi-tiered and complex structure, and all elements of it are intertwined, so taking any aspect of it will affect any other aspect of it.  This makes it also more possible to do, because all elements of a personality are interconnected. 

I have changed certain parts of my personality which have changed the entire structure.  I was in a long-term relationship for more than half my life with a person who caused me to act in very specific ways.  I was made to feel lesser than, which affected my level of confidence in all aspects of my life.  I was forced to be submissive in the relationship, and deferred in every part of my life, causing me to experience low level depression and anxiety all the time.  As soon as this person left, I went into therapy, which changed my entire life after a period of time.  I was able to change my personality, and I became more confident in every aspect of my life, I was able to find a new partner and have true agency in the relationship, I learned how to manage my money and now have great savings for my retirement, I was able to change my relationships with my children so I have agency in those places as well, and I was able to make large decisions in my life, that I had never been able to do before.  Because of this, I was more patient in my work, I was more patient with myself, and more understanding of others, no matter what the circumstances.  I became more aware of my biases and changed those parts of myself as well, to become a better, more thoughtful person.  I believe my basic nature was good to begin with, but I had gotten into some very bad and self-defeating attitudes and messages that went through my head continuously, which affected my entire personality.  I am a healthier person because of the changes I have made, but I could not have done it without the great support of my friends, family, my new partner, my colleagues, my students, my therapist, and most of all, the discipline that I created around myself to keep the work going:  journaling, prayer, meditation, breathing techniques, letter writing, working out, running, being in nature, and listening to the still small voice inside of me. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

More I Am poems


  1. I am a horseback rider
  2. I am a horse lover 
  3. I am an equestrian 
  4. I am a guinea pig lover 
  5. I am a dog lover
  6.  I am a cat lover 
  7. I am a guinea pig owner
  8. I am a dog owner
  9. I am a cat owner 
  10. I am a sleep lover
  11. I am not a morning person
  12. I am fun
  13. I am a summer lover
  14. I am a Long Island ME fan
  15. I am a beach lover
  16. I am an ocean lover
  17. I am a sea turtle lover
  18. I am a friend
  19. I am trustworthy 
  20. I am a secret keeper
  21. I am a step sibling 
  22. I am not a big sports fan
  23. I am a watermelon lover
  24. I am a daughter 
  25. I am a granddaughter
  26. I am a heartland fan
  27. I am a Amber Marshall fan
  28. I am an outside fan 
  29. I am a girl
  30. I am a food fan
  31. I am a person with brown hair
  32. I am a gum lover
  33. I am a person with braces
  34. I am not a math fan
  35. I am 11
  36. I am in a family of 5
  37. I am a water person
  38. I am a person that lives is York ME
  39. I am a person that lives on Beech Ridge rd
  40. I am a BIG Kenny Chesney fan
  41. I am a person that loves bridge jumping

Thursday, September 12, 2019

I am poems

I Am Poem
I Am a soccer player
I Am a sister
I Am a pitbull lover
I Am an artist
I Am a runner                                                                     
I Am a cousin
I Am a granddaughter
I Am a niece 
I Am a daughter
I Am cousin
I Am gymnast
I Am a hunter
I Am a pianist
I Am an outdoorsy person 
I Am a photographist
I Am a painter
I Am a student
I Am a friend
I Am a learner
I Am an experimenter
I Am a person who likes to sleep
I Am a person who likes to eat
I Am a painter
I Am shy
I Am friendly
I Am person who likes to go on adventures and camp
I Am Chiari runner
I Am a creator
I Am a music listener
I Am flexible
I Am quiet
I Am a water tuber
I Am a traveler   
I Am a biker
I Am a surfer
I Am a skateboarder
I Am creative
I Am athletic
I Am a baker               
I Am listener
I Am kind

I Am positive
I Am poem 
By; Willow Burke. 

I am a daughter 
I am a sister 
I am a cousin 
I am a granddaughter 
I am a person who likes visual arts 
I am an existentialist
I am a person who really likes sleep
I am an introvert
I am a person who daydreamer 
I am really delusional when it comes to solving problems 
I am a night owl 
I am a person who likes to make art 
I am not good at school 
I am someone who really loves music 
I am a fan of disney 
I am a fan of old 2d animation 
I am bad at following simple directions 

 I am a fan of Studio Ghibli 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

New School Year- New Goals

This year I will be working on my Implicit Bias!  We have several meetings with a group called "Mindbridge" which deals with Implicit Bias and helps groups study where they have bias that they don't even realize.  I am excited about the work, and excited to see where I fall short of the mark.      Am I biased?  We all want to say absolutely not, each child is our very own special snowflake, but students who are labeled "gifted" I sometimes rely on too much, those labeled with IEPs we let things slide more, those who are of different ethnic origins, we either go over backwards to be understanding with, or we push harder because of how we were brought up.  There is bias against older people, bias against thin or fat people, bias against extroverts and name it, we can find it.  I am very thrilled to have the time being pegged and set aside for us to work, and I will keep you posted on this blog whenever something new comes up!

 I am also very excited about a Choral Workshop I will be attending in a week and a half on Star Island in New Hampshire beyond the Isles of Shoals.  I can hardly wait, keep you posted on that too!