Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Last Week of Sixth Grade 2019

I was once approached by a wonderful, creative, and thoughtful sixth grade boy who asked, "So, Ms. Frank, do you enjoy teaching music?" Another boy overheard what he said and inserted before I got a chance to answer, "Of course she does, why else would she do it?  If she didn't like it, wouldn't she do something else?" Well, I suppose that is one way of putting it, but I actually know a lot of teachers who would rather be doing something else, perhaps anything else, but got trapped into teaching, and who knows why? 

However, I am not one of those.  I love, love, love what I do!  Not only that, I would rather be with students than with anyone else other than my family.  But I answered him after that, I said, "Yes, I love teaching music, but sometimes I want to just teach and not deal with kids, and sometimes I just want to be with the kids and not have to teach them, but in this case, I want to do all of it, teaching and being with you all the time!"

 Every year is completely different from the last, and this blog shows that..some students are easy to be with and easy to teach, and this is a group like that.  I will miss them terribly, but will watch them move onto other classes and teachers.  I hope that some will come back to visit me, and I hope I will know them for longer than this year.  But mostly, I hope they live productive, thoughtful, creative lives, contributing to their communities and being happy, healthy and well-adjusted.  Tada!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Poem- Technology

No one really knows
How well I know
the inner workings
of the sixth grade
It is rare
to find a twelve year old
these days
who isn't obsessed
with technology
who isn't thinking 
at all times
of something
other than what is 
expected of him
If I appeal
their joy of the screen
Their amusement
with bouncing
from meme
to video
from mouse 
to pad
from printing
to copying
and pasting
the originality
is lost
if I expect them
to write a piece 
on their very own
with paper
with pencil
with whole notes
and half notes
with sharps
and flats
with ostinatos
and treble and bass
Sighs, complaints,
impossibility reigns
I persevere
and hope
for, if not the best
then, with the technology
 the better
And I must
be satisfied.