Thursday, October 29, 2015

Opera Stories

The opera stories have been a challenge and a thrill this year.  Many students want to write very involved stories, and I have even had operas within operas, how clever, how interesting, and what a great way to solve the problem.  I think they have learned a lot about themselves, about plot and about each other working on these stories.  I insist that they are long enough to tell the whole story, and to have a beginning, middle and end.  We discuss the twists and turns of the plot, we discuss rising action, conflict, setting, climax and resolution as well as all the character development that I expect in an opera.  Here is one selection, just to whet your appetite.

By: Lily Feugill and Maya Neel
One day, there was a perfect B.L.T on the kitchen counter. It was so good looking, it was in fact, BEAUTIFUL!
(singing happens now)

The ingredients were all giving each other compliments. They wouldn’t stop being nice to each other. Except, for one day when Mayo was lying on French Bread (FB) too long and FB yelled, “Ahhhh, I am becoming mushy!” Fb started screaming at Mayo because Fb realized he was getting soggy from Mayo!
“Hey! Chill dude.” Mayo exclaimed.
“Oh yeah, I’m chilled. Chilled and SOGGY” whined FB.
“But-” (Mayo)
“NO BUTS!!! Come on Frenchie! Lets get outa here.” argued FB.

“ No, I am not going anywhere with you, you look like you are about to fall apart!” said Frenchie. They all started talking at once and no one could hear anyone.
(singing happens now)

Suddenly, everybody had an idea. They all made Lettuce into a stretcher and put FB on Lettuce, carried FB over to the fridge, and  threw him in, so he could harden again.  They knew it wasn’t a complete sandwich anymore, but it was totally worth it.

That very eventful morning, they all got Lettuce and made him into a stretcher, so they could get FB out of the refrigerator.
“Hey, were you munching on some food? ‘cause it seems like you gained a few pounds. You are also hard as a rock!” exclaimed Lettuce.
“ Oh, that’s just his awesome muscle.” Said Frenchie
“Oh stop it, Frenchie.” says FB “I’m just hardened from ALL MY TIME IN THE FRIDGE, BECAUSE SOMEBODY FORGOT ABOUT ME!”
tomato sings funny song about being sorry)
“ I know how to make him lighter! We need to put him on the treadmill!” Says Tomato.
“No way, Lettuce, put me in the microwave for 30 seconds.” Shouted FB.
“Now, when you put me in the microwave, I will run against the spinning dish, like the wind, as if I were on a treadmill.” Vociferated FB.
“I think, I should be with you while you are running. We could be running partners or something.” said Frenchie, happily.
  “Alright frenchie. Here we gooooo!” Then they  were off.
10 seconds later, they couldn’t keep up with the microwave. They were both way too slow, and they fell flat on their faces. They were spinning and groaning, spinning and groaning and so on and so on.
“I think we should take them out before they both get crispy, like me. I am crunchy, and I break way too easily.” says Bacon glumly. Suddenly, they all heard yelling and saw that mayo and FB are fighting. Mayo doesn’t like the way FB was talking to him and acting to him so he decides to run away. Unfortunately, he is stopped by a huge, sliding, glass door. Behind the door, Mayo sees a beautiful green landscape, with huge maple trees and a little off-white house with a red roof. Mayo uses his super mayo powers and turns into a “puddle”. He slides under the crack and finds himself in the beautiful landscape. He approaches the house. He heard chains move from inside and there, he saw a big eyeball from the other side of the window. “Ahhhhhhh” in that quick moment he realized that he had some sort of thick, clear, warm liquid on him. “UcK” Then, he used his super mayo squirt and blasted the huge, furry, and oddly adorable creature in the face. Then, he ran into the dog house.
“Where did Mayo go?” Pondered Lettuce.
“I think he ran away.” said Tomato.
“ No duh.” said Lettuce.
“I should be quiet now.” Mumbled Tomato.
“Yes, yes you should.” Lettuce said.
“Yah sorry, but you are kind of getting all of your facts wrong.” said Bacon. They were scavenging everywhere in the house. Tomato searched upstairs and Bacon searched in the living room. Bacon was lazy and depressed about this. He was dragging himself around a table, under a low chair, up on to the couch, by the tv and finally in a cabinet right next to the tv with a lot of cds. FB and Frenchy were still spinning in the microwave. Lettuce checked the dining room. He Jumped up on an extremely big wood table, he jumped on every single chair, on the glass chandelier where he was caught looking at himself, posing. Everyone met back at the microwave and took FB and Frenchie out. They were dizzy, but got over the feeling.
“Guys, the only place we haven’t looked yet is the Backyard. We need to look there before night fall.” Lettuce said convincingly.
“Yah. we are all important to the B.L.T sandwich!” Tomato cheered
FB had a different opinion, “Well not Mayo, B stands for you Bacon, L stands for you Lettuce and T stands for you Tomato. I don’t see another letter that is an M for Mayo. And plus you have to have bread for a complete sandwich.”
“Oh be quiet, you have no room to be talking. Someone could have used Wonder bread also known as Wonder or Italian bread known as Italia, Whole Wheat bread known as Wheat. So there, Mayo is just as equally important as you.” Overruled Lettuce.
“Let’s head outside!” Yelled Tomato. “Me and Fb will stay here.” said Frenchie. “He’s not in good enough condition to go ANYWHERE. Come on FB” said Frenchie, as she carried him upstairs to the girls bedroom.
“I guess that’s settled then.” said Lettuce.
They all ran to the glass sliding door and realized a tiny complication. They can’t reach the door handle. Even if they could, they wouldn’t be able to slide the door because it was to heavy.
“uhhhhh… what should we do?” Pondered Tomato.
“I know what to do, we need, a hammer, a shovel, a butter knife, a machete, a cheese grater, a blender, a wrench, and mashed potato masher!”
“NO!” Everyone said in sync.
“There must be a way, ‘cause Mayo got out.” said Tomato stupidly.
“I think that is the smartest thing you have ever said in your whole entire life of being a dumb tomato.” SMARTLY states lettuce.
“That’s offensive lettuce.” Snarled Tomato. They were about to get in a big fight when Bacon, very, very lazy Bacon, said that he knows how Mayo got through.
“Really?” said everyone
“Just because I am lazy, like, really lazy doesn’t mean you have to underestimate the smartness I have in my big brain.”
“ I think you are too thin to have a brain.” Said Lettuce.
“ Yah, explain how Mayo got out, ‘cause I noticed that there is mayonnaise by the door so Mayo had to of used his super mayo powers!” Screeched Bacon.
“I guess he is right guys. So I guess if Mayo did use his super Mayo powers, then all we need to do is get Mayonnaise from the fridge and squirt it in the crack of door and squeeze through.”
“Phenomenal idea Lettuce.” Bacon said, while gazing outside.
Why oh why did my stupid brain tell my stupid legs to go in this place!?! Sadly thought Mayo. Mayo heard the monster coming up behind him. He was cornered. Mayo looked around the room for a hiding spot. There! Mayo saw a big, red, shiny wall. He climbed up it. Which was hard, since there were no hand or foot holds. He jumped down. He landed in a big pile of bacon pieces. WAIT. BACON PIECES! “I’M OUTA HERE!” Screeched Mayo. Mayo tried to run but he couldn’t climb up the wall! It was way to slippery. So he did what he had to. He buried himself in the remains of what must have been Bacon’s friends.
“Uh guys,” grumbles FB “I’m kinda’ falling apart” And he was. FB was crumbling down. He had a few holes in him already! “Noooooo!” cries Tomato. “You are my only friend.”
“Uh” sighs Mayo, as he uses his Mayo lasso to pull himself out the the big red prison- the monster was currently preoccupied with barking at a terrified squirrel. Mayo ran out of the dog house and scrambled up a huge maple tree. He perched up on a branch, looked around, then grabbed a leaf and went to sleep.
“RARRRR!!!” Mayo woke up to the sound of the monster. Guess I’ll be here awhile. Thought Mayo glumbly. Might as well start making a camp. Mayo climbed higher up the tree. After a little while, he found a little hollow. It looked like a hollow knot. Mayo climbed in. Moss had grown all over the walls, floor, and ceiling. This’ll do,  thought Mayo. The moss will make it nice and comfy.
Mayo brought in some leafs for blankets and a stick, for a bench. He made a couch by covering a L shaped rock with moss, and set up his bed in a corner, using a very colorful leaf for a blanket, and a sunflower for a pillow. He didn’t need a mattress since the floor was covered with moss.
A cute brown and white bulldog sat at the bottom of the tree. Play with me! he thought. PLAY! PLAY! But the yellow blob wouldn’t come down. Suddenly, he heard a noise coming from the glass door. Friends? He thought. But the thin green leafy thing and it’s two red followers, one very thin and very round. PLAY!!! thought the dog as he ran towards these strange visitors.
Mayo saw these two things, that he saw a lot when he came over to the house.
“I think they are acorn caps. Are they supposed to go up to your ears?” pounded Mayo. He puts them up to his ears slowly and cautiously and waits for three seconds…
“Umm umm um umm um umm, I really like this, umm this ACORN MUSIC. Umm umm um umm Shake it off sh-shake it off ya ya! This way too inspirational. I have to tell the rest of the B.L.T! I- I  just feel way too happy, I am going to help Fb.”
They all found a way out.
“ This is amazing!” said Tomat.  Bacon, Lettuce, And Tomato jumped off the porch and walked towards a dandelion- but stopped in their tracks when a HUGE creature bounded towards them. “WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!” (PLAY! PLAY! PLAY!) “RUN FOR YOUR LIFE” said lettuce.“Is it life or death? If it is ,then I choose death.” Bacon stayed there to get eaten and the creature slobbered all over him.
“Am I dead yet?” No response.
“ It’s the fatal slobber! The fatal slobber!”
“It’s not fatal. It’s just SUPER gross. Which is why i’m not exactly sure why I’m about to grab your hand and pull you.” said lettuce. “NOW COME ON!”
“That was my only chance and you guys ruined it.” whimpered  Bacon.
Mayo walks in the house. He uses his super squirt Mayo powers to slip right under the door. He still has his “Earphones” on and is rock’n down to the hall to the kitchen.
He yells “HELLO” and there was no response. He walks back to the glass sliding door and sits down and jams.
The rest of the B.L.T ran back to the door. It looked like the dog was chasing nothing because they’re so tiny. The dog sure was chasing something though.
“Guys! Look, it’s mayo!!!” everyone gathered around the glass door and started pounding it.
“Mayo, Mayo, Mayo!!!!” everyone said in sync.
“Umm umm um umm um Shake it off sh-sh-shake it off ya ya. I wonder where everyone is? I will Just keep jam’n!” Mayo walked right back to the kitchen counter.

“Great. Just great. That was our chance and Mayo and his acorn caps ruined it for us. Now we can panic.” says Lettuce. “Let’s panic then!” said Tomato. “AHHHHHH” Tomato screamed. “Ah! AH! AH” He ran around the porch, flailing his arms around, until, eventually, he tripped in a crack flat on his face. “Come on Tomato, we’ll be alright.” said Lettuce. “No we won’t,
Not with that” Bacon said. “Bacon!” Lettuce scolded as Tomato burst into tears. “But look!” Said Bacon. They all looked up and saw the dog again. It had a bone in it’s mouth.
“He ate Mayo already.” cried Tomato
“No dumb-bo, mayo is inside! Plus, Mayo doesn’t have bones.” said Lettuce . “I bet it just wants to play.” Pondered Tomato as he walked towards it. “NO STUPID” shouted Lettuce. Tomato picked up a stick anyway. The monster looked down at him with big, expecting eyes. “GOOOOOO FETCH!” cried Tomato as the huge mass of fur bounded away to get the stick. “He’ll come back once he gets the stick, you know” said Tomato in a know-it-all voice. “Duh” said Lettuce. “Then let’s RUUUUUN” said Tomato “Not this again” said Bacon.
Mayo climbed up the stairs. (He had inspected the WHOLE kitchen but NO one was there.) When he reached the top, he heard crying. “Oh FB, just hang in there. We’ll find a way to save you.” That was Frenchie. That was DEFINITELY Frenchie. Mayo slid through the small crack beneath the door. Then he saw it. Fb was laying on a rug, coughing up crumbs. Mayos happy mood disappeared. He had to save his friend. He jumped into the room, did a flip, and, with a big “HI-YAH!” he landed in a ninja pose right beside FB. “I’m so sorry FB!” He cried. “It’s all my fulllllllll tttttttt!”
“No, i’m sorry FB.” Said FB. “It was an accident. You didn’t mean to. I should have given you another chance.” Mayo’s eyes started to well up. “And now,” said FB as tears slipped down Mayo’s slippery cheeks, “and now I will give you another chance” “Oh FB!” Mayo threw his arms around FB but pulled back at once when he realized that was the reason they were fighting any way.
“How do we get through the door” Poundered Bacon. “Good question.” said Lettuce. “But no matter how simple the question was, I don’t know the answer.” So they all sat there thinking…….and thinking… until Bacon came up with an idea. “Me and Lettuce are so thin that we can probably fit under the door in the crack.” Said Bacon
I think that is a great idea.”  Said Tomato
“As for Tomato, he seems to have a new friend.” said Bacon as he turned his head over to a happy Tomato that was throwing sticks and scratching the monster’s belly.

“Ya well good thing the monster is entertained we just need to find Mayo and Fb.” cried Lettuce.
“Mayo!” shouted Fb. “I’m so sorry Fb.” Stammered Mayo.
“Don't be. Look, you fixed me!” and indeed he did. Mayo’s glue had stuck Fb back together. “Woooo Hooooo!” Yelled Fb as he slid down the railing, and Mayo jumped. “Wait up!” Called Frenchie as she skipped down the stairs.
“Where could they be?” said Lettuce.
“Probably inside.” Said Tomato.
“Hey look there they are.” Tomato replied
“Tomato no time for jokes, wait to tell them after we find Mayo, Fb and Frenchie.” Lettuce screeched.
“No seriously there they are. I don’t believe it I think I am happy.” Said Bacon.
“Hey Mayo, guys let us in, Fb and other people, let us in now, hey, hey!!!!” They all said different things at once.
“Hey I didn’t know I was famous, wait they want me to open the door. Never mind.” sadly answered Mayo.
“Get some mayonnaise and give it to us out here.” Said Lettuce
“KK” replied Mayo. Mayo ran to the fridge, pulled out some mayonnaise and brought it right back to the rest of the B.L.T outside.
“It’s starting to get dark Lettuce.” Bacon whined.
It’s ok we will be inside in just a couple of minutes.” Lettuce said. Mayo got the mayonnaise and slid under the crack of the door handed them the mayonnaise and slipped right back underneath the door and waited for them to squirt the mayonnaise.
“Okay come on. Yah ummm... “ said lettuce. Lettuce slipped under the door then Bacon and then tried but couldn’t get through.
“I am too fat.” said Tomato.  No one knew if he was even trying to get through or not.
“Push, push, push through the pain.” Lettuce exclaimed. Tomato did it, he left some puddles behind but it’s okay.
“Guys I realized that our fight all started with me if I didn’t run away we wouldn’t be here.” sadly said Mayo.
“Well I am almost glad you ran away because now look at us, we are way closer in friendship.” happily said Lettuce.
“Yah I guess you could say that.” Everyone agreed.
“Come on guys, get close, get close.”Said Lettuce. They all got right back on the kitchen counter right back where they belong.
“I will get on Lettuce. You won’t have to worry about getting soggy Fb.” said mayo
“No, you can lay on me. I won’t mind.” Said Fb. They now hoped that it would stay like this forever.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Reader's Theater PART DEUX

My Creative Drama students have completed their first attempts at Reader's Theater.  Next week we will post some videos of them performing them, but I thought you might like to see a few of them on my blog, after I had written about the process we went through a few weeks ago.   Enjoy and have a great weekend!!!

     The Three Scream Queens
By: Micayla Ashley, Lexi and Zoe
Micayla: Hey guys want to come to the fair with me tonight?
Ashley: Yeah sure I don’t have anything to do what about you Lexi?
Lexi: Totes I will be there 9:00 o'clock sharp! Don’t forget the sharp!
Micayla: I will meet  you both at 9:00 o’clock!
Ashley: Do you want me to bring PB and J sandwiches?                                                                                                                                      
Lexi: No! I’m on a diet I will bring my own candy bars!
Ashley: Okay that’s fine I just thought I would ask.
Zoe/Narrator: One hour later.
Lexi: Hey girl friends glad you could make it.
Micayla: Ok I want to go in the haunted house first.
Ashley: Um….. okay  great my favorite ride! I call middle.
Lexi: I call going in first!
Micayla: Ok guess I am stuck with the back...weeee!
Ashley: Okay let’s go get our tickets!
Zoe/Ticket Person: How many tickets?
Lexi: Three Tickets please.
Zoe/Ticket Person: Okay here you go, have a great time!
Zoe/Narrator: They enter the haunted house.
Micayla: Guys I am a little scared.
Ashley: Me to.
Micayla: Let’s go back!
Lexi: I’m not scared, let’s go chickens.
Zoe/Narrator: Slam!!
Ashley: What was that?
Micayla: I don’t know but I am scared!
Lexi: It’s probably just apart of the show...
Ashley: Am I the only one who hears foot steps?
Micayla: Nope!
Zoe/Bad Guy: I am watching you my pretties.
Lexi: who’s there? (no one answers)
Ashley: Omg I’m scared.
Zoe/Bad Guy: You should be hehehehehehe!
Micayla: Guys we should leave now!!!!
Lexi: (stick out your arm) Guy’s we will be fine, now stop
complaining, Geez! I’m the only brave one around here.
Zoe/Narrator: A spider comes down in front of Lexi’s face.
Lexi: AAHH AAHH AAHH spider!
Ashley: (sigh in relief) Finally we can leave this place.
Micayla; Come on it’s just a spider.
Lexi: Guys run!
Zoe/Narrator: The three girls ran into a room in the haunted house but little did they know that the door shut behind them and they were not alone in that room, there was someone else
Ashley: Micayla is that you breathing down my neck?
Micayla: Um no I’m across the room jenus.
Ashley: (Voice Quivering) Then who.. who.. is it??
Zoe/Bad Guy: (Stupid, Idiotic Voice) It is I George Washington I am here to collect your heart.
Ashley: um…….. I need that because that is how I live.
Lexi: Okay now I’m scared because George Washington is supposed to be dead umm………...
Zoe/Bad Guy: Ugh you idiots, I am not George Washington…..
Ashley: I knew that……….not
Micayla: Ok guys it's just part of the show right Lexi.
Lexi Uhhh……. sure but just incase let's run, LIKE NOW!
Micayla: Guys….. uh...the door is locked!
Zoe/Bad Guy: You should listen to your friend….
All Of Us Except For Zoe: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Lexi: Okay bad guy you're going down
Zoe/Narrator: Lexi takes off her shoe and throws it at the bad guy. Except it lands 2 feet in front of the bad guy.
Lexi: That was only my warm up here’s the real thing.
Zoe/Narrator: She takes off her other shoe and throws it at the bad guy and it land 1 foot in front of the bad guy.
Lexi: Ok my backup plan, I have my phone I will call 911 does anyone know the number for 911?
Micayla: It’s not 911, wise owl it’s 919!
Zoe/Bad Guy: (says in a happy voice) Guys I’ll help you I know the number for 911,
Zoe/Narrator: Lexi gives the phone to the bad guy and then the bad guy smashes it on the ground.
Zoe/Narrator: Then they run into a closet
Ashley: Yay where out…….nope in a closet even better.
Micayla: Shoot he took your phone and I just remembered it’s 911!
Ashley: Wait is that a vent…… yeah it is let’s go.
Zoe/Narrator: they crawled through the vent and fell out the end of it which was outside of the haunted house. Then they ran to the convenience store and used the store's phone. The girls call 911 and got the guy arrested.

         Alien Invasion

It was a late summer day at Camp Hinds. Troop 301 was camping at lodge Balie. The troop were whittling with their knives to kill time. A storm late that evening was due so they went into the lodge. All the scouts paired up to play different games like, War, Blackjack, and Poker. They played until dinner. The scouts ate dinner then went back to cards. Until they saw a strange figure of dark…

Matt: What’s that at the window with a big head. OMG, is that E.T!!!

Parker: No that’s Thomas.

Matt: Oh.

Gus: Come on guys let's continue cards, I’m actually winning this time!!!

Narrator: They went back to playing cards as the storm blew through then they went to bed. The next morning they woke up and Thomas was gone so they hopped off their bunks and made breakfast. They asked where Thomas was and they didn't know so they split into pairs Matt Gus and Parker were in a group together. They set off towards the North forest. They went deep and got lost so they dug a hole and made a shelter and camped there.

Matt: Ok we got lost while trying to find someone who is lost, that’s a first.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Parker: Why are we trying to find Thomas?

Gus: Were trying to find him so we can beat him... with poison ivy leaves.

Matt: Ok, so let's take turns being on lookout, I will go first.

Narrator: And he did but there was no second watch. The clouds above turned green. Matt was confused and saw a rustling from the bushes and went closer and a small weird little alien figure jumped on his face and he screamed. Parker ran out of the tent and hit Matt’s face on a tree and the alien fell.

Matt: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH, What was that for, I think my nose is broken!!!

Parker: I got the alien off, did I not

Gus: Guys, quiet down, can I sleep for at least 5 minutes?!

Matt: OMG is that a martian ship!!!

Parker: No that’s a car

Matt: Oh, is that a martian ship!!!!

Parker: yes that’s a martian ship.

Matt: What do we do they have a lot of weapons.

Parker: They have plasma cannons, we have a pointy stick

Matt: Ok good thing we have a pointy stick, wait a minute.

Narrator: So they charged at the aliens with their pointy sticks...and the pointy sticks broke.

Parker: Well that didn’t work what now?

Matt: Our Pocket knives!!!

Narrator: But then, Matt got shot by a plasma cannon and fell to the ground, aching in pain.

Gus: Matt NOO are you ok!!!

Matt: If this is the end then…

Parker: No this is not the end, it is not!!!!

Matt: You don’t touch my wallet, you don’t touch my stuff, and you can just leave.

Narrator: But suddenly Matt spazzed out on the ground and his eyes started turning black and his skin turning green. He formed two heads and he got up with a murderous look.

Matt: I shall kill you!

Parker: Take this you double faced freak

Narrator: Parker charged at the alien with his pocket knife and stabbed him.

Parker: Why are you not dead just die aaahhhhhh!
Matt: Dude they have no effect i gonna kill now so…

Parker: what about a pointy stick wait one second…

Narrator: So they ran picked up sticks and made them pointed it  20 minutes later they were done and Parker crept behind Matt and stabbed him in the back assasin creeds style.

Gus: yay hes-

Parker: Ha yo dead!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Overnight at the Museum of Science

Very different experience than last year.  I had a very small group of four girls to watch over during the trip, and they stuck together throughout the two days.  I never lost touch with where they were, they always came to me to share their whereabouts and what they wanted to do next, and they always agreed on what exhibits they wanted to go see.
View from the Charles River

We slept under the awesome and incredible dinosaur exhibit, and I slept right through all the girls talking and fussing about not being able to go to sleep.  I don't know if it was because we were being watched over by the dinosaurs, or because I was so exhausted by the experiences we had, but I was out like a light! 
It was a blast to be looking up and seeing these dinosaur models and seeing the real bones of these prehistoric creatures! 

We enjoyed a wonderful supper overlooking the Charles River and we witnessed a beautiful sunset!  I would have forgotten about it, but it was my group of girls who said, let's move our table and sit by the view!  They are so mature to appreciate a view of water and sunset, I never got that until I was an adult!  What fun to work with these girls!  

The lightning show was pretty amazing too, as always, lots of loud noises, music, and lightning of course!  There were several schools there that night, and they were not listening as well as I would want us all to listen to the presenter.  I want to say it was the other schools that were less well-behaved, but I will never be sure.  I try to teach them the skills of listening to presenters, as we do a great number of presentations in both music and creative drama class, but sometimes after a long day of presentations and a long ride on the train, there is little discipline left to be drawn from a twelve year old exhausted person.  

Our group experienced a wonderful math presentation and we learned about mobiuses.  I have always wanted to make a mobius scarf, so now I really know how to do it, learning about all of the attributes of the mobius.  We also learned about studying patterns in situations, in numbers, and in games.  We looked at some probability questions as well, and the students were focused and engaged the entire time.  I loved being a part of this larger group as well, because it was all girls and they were really into math and science and physics and the history of math and science and all the scientists that were involved in discovering all these properties and so forth..not my bailiwick, but still learning!! 
The next morning we had wonderful planetarium presentations just for us, because the students are learning about astronomy in science class this fall.  We had an amazing IMAX movie about the Humpback whales, which made us all really emotional, thinking we almost lost this species because of all the whaling that went on.  Here's hoping the whales continue to share their music and their beauty with us for many generations to come.  What a trip!!!  Every year it is a blast and every year I learn something new!!  Here's to another great group of sixth grade teachers who organized the entire EXPERIENCE!!! 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Not written for a while...

But I have not forgotten about this blog.  We have been working on the wonderful and exciting story of the Magic Flute, and now we are beginning to create our own opera stories.  My opera story is included in this blog from early September, and they can use that one as an example of a more realistic opera story.  They can also use the fantasy of The Magic Flute to help them with this endeavor.  I have learned a little more about the story since my students had to create questions about The Magic Flute.  I found out the the queen of the night represents the idea of chaos and also a form of "obscurantism"(Definition of Obscurantism )and Sarastro represents the enlightened sovereign who rules based upon reason, wisdom, and nature.

At the beginning of the opera there is a serpent who is killed by the Queen's attendants.  The serpent represents chaos, which progresses into religious superstition (the three attendants to the queen), and then to rationalistic enlightenment (Sarastro and the priests)  through trial (Tamino) and error (Papageno), in order for the world to be "a heavenly Kingdom and mortals like the gods".  There is more philosophy in this opera than I ever knew or expected, and as happens every time I teach something, I learn something new about it all.  music of Mozart, his biography and the plot!

I am continuing to work with the gradual release of responsibility with my students.  I tell them to look at the examples we have seen of interesting opera stories.  I ask them who the main characters are and how would we describe them.  Then they can figure out how to make up characters of their own.  We talk about the basic plot of the opera, and what the setting is, the conflict, the rising action, the climax and the resolution, and then they can create sections of an opera with those elements on their own.  A few students have used Lucidchart to organize their thoughts, and I have used it very successfully on my own opera.  An old fashioned outline works just as well, of course, but you must flesh out the story once you have completed your outline.  Happy composing and libretto writing!  Have a great day!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Magic Flute Plot and Assignment

                  The Story of The Magic Flute: Opera by W.A. Mozart
The setting:  The Far East, the desert, a fantasy place and time
The Main Characters: Prince Tamino (Tenor), Papageno, the bird catcher who works for the Queen of the Night, (Baritone) Pamina, (soprano)  a princess, daughter of the Queen of the Night, captured by Sarastro (Ruler of Light, Bass) Monastatos, Baritone, evil slave to Queen of the Night.  
  A mythical land between the sun and the moon. Three ladies in the service of the Queen of the Night save Prince Tamino from a serpent. When they leave to tell the queen, the birdcatcher Papageno appears (“I’m Papageno”). He boasts to Tamino that it was he who killed the creature. The ladies return to give Tamino a portrait of the queen’s daughter, Pamina, who they say has been enslaved by the evil Sarastro. Tamino immediately falls in love with the girl’s picture (“This portrait’s beauty”). The queen, appearing in a burst of thunder, tells Tamino about the loss of her daughter and commands him to rescue her (“My fate is grief”). The ladies give a magic flute to Tamino and silver bells to Papageno to ensure their safety on the journey and appoint three spirits to guide them (Quintet: “Hm! hm! hm! hm!”).
Sarastro’s slave Monostatos pursues Pamina but is frightened away by Papageno. The birdcatcher tells Pamina that Tamino loves her and is on his way to save her. Led by the three spirits to the temple of Sarastro, Tamino learns from a high priest that it is the Queen, not Sarastro, who is evil. Hearing that Pamina is safe, Tamino charms the wild animals with his flute, then rushes off to follow the sound of Papageno’s pipes. Monostatos and his men chase Papageno and Pamina but are left helpless when Papageno plays his magic bells. Sarastro enters in great ceremony. He punishes Monostatos and promises Pamina that he will eventually set her free. Pamina sees the figure of Tamino, but he is taken away into the temple with Papageno.
Sarastro tells the priests that Tamino must perform an initiation.  (“O Isis and Osiris”). Monostatos tries to kiss the sleeping Pamina but all of a sudden the Queen of the Night appears. The Queen gives her daughter a dagger and orders her to murder Sarastro (“Here in my heart, Hell’s bitterness”).  Pamina refuses to do this, even though she cares for her mother and wants to obey her.
Sarastro finds the lonely Pamina and consoles her, explaining that he is not interested in punishing the queen, her mother.  (“Within our sacred temple”). Tamino and Papageno are told by a priest that they must remain silent and are not allowed to eat, a vow that Papageno immediately breaks when he takes a glass of water from a laughing old lady. When he asks her name, the old lady vanishes. The three spirits appear to guide Tamino through the rest of his journey and to tell Papageno to be quiet. Tamino remains silent even when Pamina appears. Misunderstanding his vow for coldness, she is heartbroken (“Now my heart is filled with sadness”).
The priests inform Tamino that he has only two more trials to complete his initiation. Papageno, who has given up on entering the brotherhood, longs for a wife instead (“A cuddly wife or sweetheart”). He eventually settles for the old lady. When he promises to be faithful she turns into a beautiful young Papagena but immediately disappears.  Pamina and Tamino are reunited and face the ordeals of water and fire together, protected by the magic flute.
Papageno tries to hang himself on a tree but is saved by the three spirits, who remind him that if he uses his magic bells he will find true happiness. When he plays the bells, Papagena appears and the two start making family plans (Duet: “Pa-pa-pa-pageno!”). The Queen of the Night, her three ladies, and Monostatos attack the temple but fall into a hole and disappear. Sarastro blesses Pamina and Tamino as all join in hailing the triumph of courage, virtue, and wisdom.

Assignment:  Create ten questions that refer to the plot, the characters and/or the setting, and then answer them in detail, in full sentences and with correct spelling.
Example:  What does the queen of the night ask Pamina to do?  Does she do it?
The Queen of the night is Pamina’s mother.  She gives Pamina a dagger and orders her to kill Sarastro, the King of Light.  She must refuse to do this, because she knows it is wrong to kill, and also she doesn’t hate Sarastro at all, this puts her in a huge bind, as to what to do.  She has to decide between loyalty to her mother and the Moon darkness, and doing the right thing that is moral and just. 

 Papageno and Papagena
The Magic Flute by Mozart Highlights Salzburg 2006